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New Paltz CSA


Information and Frequently Asked Questions


I take my time in making decisions. It is this long drawn-out process of self-torture, head in the sand ignoring the work I need to do in order to decide, and just waiting for my heart to say ok, I can handle this.


Apparently, this year my heart is ready to handle absolute chaos and give you every option I can think of in trying to meet everyone's needs. It is, by any other person's looking, insane. Somewhere in insanity, I find fun or at least a challenge that keeps me engaged. I will curse a lot along the way I am sure.


So, here we go with your options for this season:


How do I purchase your wonderful produce?

An email will go out each week with the square store of the farm's offerings for the week- for those of you who remember, this means stories of my life in some of the emails along with the link to the store.

I would like you to order through the store. 

At checkout in the store, you will choose either pickup at the farm or delivery.

How do deliveries work?

Deliveries will go out on Wednesday morning. You are at the delivery site to receive your goods, or you have a cooler left near the door for us to deliver to. If you aren't there and you left no cooler, your goods will return to the farm and be put on the shelves in the cooler where you can get the goods Wednesday afternoon or Thursday after you realize "Oh, crap!! I forgot!" 


What if I want to pick up at the farm?

Farm pickups of orders will happen from 8-7 Wednesday or Thursday from a designated set of shelves in the cooler (tomatoes will be in the barn because tomatoes hate the cooler). Your orders will be labeled in crates and you will bring your bags to pack your goods into.


What happens if I miss my delivery and/or forget to pick up my order?

Friday morning anything not retrieved will be donated. I will not refund you for things forgotten.


What if I forgot to order something or need a little more?

IF you forget to order, or you might want additional things when you are here at the farm for pickup, in the cooler we will leave a bit extra so that you can add things into your order or just shop by sight in the moment. It won't look nearly as lovely as the set-up Nancy would lay out in the barn, and it will require you writing down what you took so I can collect the funds afterwards if you do not have cash to leave behind at the moment. This will be available in the cooler Wednesday and Thursday ONLY.


CSA is Community Supported Agriculture, the farm appreciates your support in growing beautiful produce.

For anyone who can do it, I would love you to send in some payment now that I can load onto your CSA cards. I will tell you your card number and you will enter it as gift card number on the check out page in the store and funds will deduct like it is a debit card. If you cannot do that, you can use your credit card to shop whichever weeks you order during the season.


What is the season for produce?

The season will be similar to the past, June to early November. 


Are there limits?

I am not setting a delivery minimum, but please, please, please think what you are doing through, as us dropping one head of lettuce isn't going to be thought, "cool, this is worth the effort"


What is the delivery area?

Delivery range will be 299 east out of New Paltz up to South Ohioville Rd, out to 44/55, over to 299 east to Butterville then Mountain Rest, up over the mountain, coast down Mohonk Road into High Falls, onto 213 west then 209 north through Stone Ridge, across Cottekill Rd in through Rosendale back up 32, a quick jog down 213 east to Cow Hough/North Ohioville, then back to the farm. You would have to be in that area for delivery. I feel like I need a red crayon and a green map to draw this on, but I am hoping you know where you live and know if you are inside or outside of that bubble.


Bring your friends and neighbors!

I would really appreciate it if each of you would share the store link weekly with your network. We can get more good food to more people and we here at the farm can keep growing lots of stuff like we like to.


Email me with questions if you have them. 

Ready to sign up? Let's be stuck in my old school world and whip out paper checks and pens, get some cool stamps, and send along payment with your information form to Evolutionary Organics, 283 Springtown Rd, New Paltz, NY 12561.


Be sure to include your email on the form.


Thank you all and happy wicked wet so far Spring!


© 2024 Evolutionary Organics

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